Mommy Group

20. We’re Taking YOUR Questions! (dating w/ kids, career changes, meal planning, discipline etc)



Today we are taking your questions and its a fantastic coversation! QUESTIONS: Rosie_girl29 I would love the hear how you all got started in your careers. Is it what you know? Who you know? A little bit of both. Did you go to college for the careers that you have now. I follow you all three of you ladies, I just wonder how you came upon the opportunities that you have, for example home and family. Lorna3535 I got married young, fell into a career in finance. Even though my degree is in film/theater. Had my babies in my late 20s, im now 40, kids are both heading into high school and middle school. And I’m trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up Do you have any advice on career changes finding a career that you adore. I just dont even know where to start. @Amalie_nelving- a break up between friends. Confront or just let it fade out? @Omitofo- how do you pick a date night babysitter. Like what do you look for on the apps, what questions @Kellicameron- Dating with kids. Moms trying to date. Its frus