Mom Biz Solutions With Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach

What Happened to the Passion for Biz? Mom Biz Solutions Show



I have been unsubscribing, unfollowing and un-friending people who I once followed as a source of inspiration and learning. These were people who used to share highly valuable content, who were thoughtful, friendly and engaging, whose passion for business helped me hone mine. But over time, many of these "A-listers" seem to have become passionate only about earning money. Their focus seems to have shifted away from providing quality content that causes me to see them as an expert. Instead, I'm being bombarded by their affiliate marketing emails suggesting I buy something from another A-lister friend of theirs, which nets them a nice commission. Today I talk about how staying focused on your passion, not just focusing on making money, is a magnetic quality that will ultimately bring you more clients, more joy and more success. Join Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach, on Wednesdays at Noon ET as she shares mothering tips, business strategies, and the joys and chaos of being a mom entrepreneur. If you could use a