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Episode 7 - Marianne Mancusi



I think this marks the first time Lee and I were nervous speaking with our guest. Up until this point, at least one of us (if not both) knew the author we were about to interview, whereas this time we interviewed someone we knew only by reputation. In a "world is small" sort-of way, I "met" Mari Mancusi ( through Myspace in 2007 when my book Pyre was being published. I asked her to read a pre-published copy of it, and if she liked it maybe she would provide me with a quote for the jacket. She graciously read it, enjoyed it and gave me the quote. After that, I have enjoyed following her career with her vampire series, Blood Coven, as well as her new story in the anthology, "Zombie Valentine" and countless other books. You can see her at Dragon Con defending Zombies on the panel "Vampires vs. Zombies" ( When she isn't writing, you can see her on the nationally syndicated TV show Better TV. (