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Episode 8 - Meg Tilly and Don Calame



A few weeks ago, Lee and I met up with Meg Tilly, Don Calame and kc dyer for an authors night out. Along with a fantastic dinner, we wound up having amazing conversation - which is pretty unavoidable when you have five authors all at the same table. Meg and Don are a great couple, and both very supportive of each other as writers. To me, they are what inspiration is. You just can't help but want to go home and write your next novel, knowing that your book will be in the same company as theirs. This will be part one of two, as we captured almost two hours of conversation. Obviously, that's far too much for a single podcast. I have pulled out the best forty minutes - twenty for each session. In session one, we discussed Meg's cameo on Caprica, Don's work as a screenwriter, kc dyer's new book.