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Episode 13 - The Class of 2k10 at BEA



During our trip to Book Expo America, we had the opportunity to interview the Class of 2k10. What is that, you may ask? This is a unique idea for a group of debut authors to support and promote each other as they launch their new books. In the photo, we have: Shannon Delany, Jeri Smith-Ready, Denise Jaden, Rhonda Hayter, Judith Graves, and Kitty Keswick. Missing are: Swati Avasthi, Michele Corriel, Leah Cypess, Alexandra Diaz, Bonnie J. Doerr, Janet Fox, Jacqueline Houtman, Jennifer Hubbard, Irene Latham, Tom Leveen, Shari Maurer, Kristina McBride, Mara Purnhagen, Laura Quimby, Jame Richards, N.H. Senzai, and Laura L. Sullivan. You can find out more about them here: