Lois Wetzel, Mfa -mystical Teachings

Lois and Becky on Solfeggio Frequencies and Art/Creativity



Confucious said that as the music of a kingdom changes, the kingdom changes. Civilization changed enormously when we went from the Solfeggio frequencies to our current 8 note scale as the basis of our music. Music, art and writing are so much more important than we realize as a culture. We will listen to some examples of the Solfeggio frequencies, also often called the Ascension Frequencies. "When I was in art school," Lois states, "we were taught that artists were in the position of seeing which direction the culture was headed. They said this was obvious because the art always showed the changes before they occurred. What I now realize is that the art did not predict the change, it caused the change. Artists, musicians, writers and filmmakers have an enormous responsibility to humanity to create very carefully thought-out change, not just sensational garbage that gets morbid attention, or generates fear. Artists of every kind are the creators of the future, and need to be aware of this and take res