Kyle Kingsbury Podcast

#51 Dr. Bruce Damer



Multidisciplinary scientist, designer and Author, Dr. Bruce Damer has devoted decades to the deep exploration of two fundamental questions of life: how the first living cells originated on the Earth four billion years ago; and how their progeny, the Gaian biosphere with its precious cargo of humans and other complex life forms, may be provided a path forward into the cosmos.  We sit down with the group to discuss dialing in the human cannabinoid system and ways of playing with and engaging our exogenous cannabinoids. The group includes Doug Reil, Uwe Blesching, David Rosenthal, Alexa Razma, Kari Barron and Moi.www.cannakeys.comListen to the Levity Zone PodcastConnect with Bruce Damer on Facebook Youtube Twitter Levity Zone PodcastBruce Connect with Kyle Kingsbury on Twitter and on InstagramGet 10% off at Onnit by going to              Onnit Twitter        Onnit Instagram