Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

The Retail Food Market – What Buyers Really Want



Brian Todd, President of The Food Institute, reveals who’s feeding consumers best today and what food shopping will be like tomorrow. Supermarket checkout is changing. Will mobile checkout work? What will the new supermarkets look like? How will plant based foods fare? Smaller packaging for small families and food for one.  Hungry to learn what the food consuming public is demanding in the future – or how stores will change to accommodate new buying habits?  Host Bart Jackson brings you one of the planet’s greatest food experts, Brian Todd, President of The Food Institute to discuss the battle of plant-based vs. meat burgers, why women select differently from men, where the most nutritious food lies, and all the steps involved in that intricate dance between food retailer and food consumer.  Brian’s insights and prognostications will truly amaze you. Tune in and learn what will happen to the checkout line.