Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

Opportunity – Rising From the Ruins of Hurricane Sandy



Real Estate CEO Don Slaght how he seized opportunity from Hurricane Sandy’s devastation with a vital home restoration service. What do you do if you’re in real estate and Hurricane Sandy suddenly blows into your state and devastates 350,000 of the homes and businesses in your area? Well, if you are Hollston Realty Group principal Don Slaght you see the need and seize the opportunity to literally get those buildings (and your community) back on their feet. Host Bart Jackson invites Don on to tell how he swiftly expanded his firm into Northeast Home Elevation to salvage and restore, raise on stilts or move to higher ground homes and commercial structures damaged by Sandy. Tune in and learn this admirable tale of business adaptation and community service, along with some fascinating feats of creative engineering. (How does one lift up a home from flooded shore and heft it to a high hill?)