Reset With Dr Viv

How to manage everybody's opinion - #18 | Dr Viv



As Les Brown says, "Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality". But we live in times when everyone has an opinion of you ; of who you should be, what you should do or how you should even react in situations... and if we are not careful, other people's opinion will negatively impact you. I've been there.... and especially when you are desperate for a solution to a problem, everybody's opinion can be overwhelming In this episode I share tips on how to manage people's opinions and expectations so they don't negatively impact you. It is OK to ask for advice (I do it all the time) but I am for example getting better at discerning what advice to take and how to push back on people's opinions. Everybody is also entitled to their opinions but they should respect our rights to take them or not. Let me know what you think in the comments section below to give everyone some inspiration xoxo  Remember to Like, Share Comment and Subscribe... ——