Project Tenacity

#29 新媒體營銷資深經理 <下> | Jeanne Jin | 聲音和客製化廣告將會開闢全新的廣告戰線



 第二季的第三集請到了 Jeanne.他目前在加拿大的 Loblaws 集團旗下的 Shoppers Drug Mart 擔任 Digital Marketing Senior Manager 一職.節目中 Jeanne 分享了他在 McCann 和 Wunderman 這些大型廣告公司的經歷和給有意進入 Marketing 營銷領域的年輕朋友們一些建議.未來廣告的趨勢和前景會是什麼樣子? Marketing 營銷工作到底又需要什麼樣的特質呢?相信這期節目會對所有商科和營銷背景的朋友們帶來很多新想法. We invited Jeanne Jin, who currently works as a Digital Marketing Senior Manager at Shoppers Drug Mart. She started her marketing journey in two of the most prestigious Marketing agencies at McCann and Wunderman before moving to Shoppers Drug Mart. She passionately shared her experience in job interviews and insights to new advertising areas in future marketing realm. Think with Google: