Project Tenacity

#25 博恩夜夜秀主持人 & 薩泰爾娛樂 CTO | 曾博恩 |「在喜劇裡,唯一的贏家只有觀眾。」



 欸!是博恩! 第二季的第一集請到了當紅人物,「博恩夜夜秀」的主持人,曾博恩。相信聽眾朋友們對他早已不陌生,博恩夜夜秀在 Youtube 上累計得觀看次數已經超越 6 千 400 萬人。年齡29的博恩,在台灣大學取得了應用外文和心理系的雙主修學士學位,也分別在倫敦大學學院以及巴黎第六大學,分別取得腦與心智科學和整合生物研究兩項碩士學位。節目裡聊到了博恩接觸美式單口喜劇的契機、職業生涯的轉捩點和對台灣美式喜劇領域的感悟。 感謝 Rock the Spot 的協調促成這次的 Podcast 訪談。 We’ve invited Brain Tseng, who is currently the host of the most popular late night talk-show in Taiwan. His channel, STR Network, has accumulated over 64 million views and 50 thousand followers on Youtube. The Night Night Show is the first to bring North American comedy style to Taiwan and Chinese-speaking Asian community. We had 20 minutes for the podcast to visit topics ranging from Brian’s journey as a stand-up comedian and his thoughts on the current state of the comedy community in Taiwan.   薩泰爾娛樂 & 博恩夜夜秀: Rock the Spot: 博恩 @ Ted Talk Taipei: Rock the Spot: