Transcendental Transformation

The Age of All Souls; Part II, A Deeper Understanding



  *****Wednesday Oct 7th, 2015 at 7:00 pm Est Usa This week is the continuation of The Age of All Souls... What lessons are achieved when our soul matures into an Adult, Elder Adult and Old soul?  Do our lessons become tougher or easier as we evolve? Could our lessons be of the same difficulty? In the first of this three part series, Miss Raina Shared for the first time ever the idea of The Age of All Souls! She brought into our consciousness of how our soul evolves and what lessons are brought into the Infant and young souls.  Miss Raina continues the journey of The Age of All Souls and guides us through the next set of lessons to the souls evolution! We bring to light the lessons, struggles and victories or the Adult, Elder Adult and Old Souls!