Transcendental Transformation

The Power of Peace of Mind with Dr. Bruce Hofmann



Imagine coming form a place of peace of mind... quiet and centered. How much more would you accomplish every day by quieting the internal noise that sabotages your success?  Join us, February 23, 2016 at 7:00 pm Est Usa, as Miss Raina and Dr. Bruce Hofmann bring together the science of medicine and the Power of Peace of Mind together! Dr. Bruce Hofmann, The “Results” Doctor, is a connected, caring, giving leader. He has embarked on a mission of independence while successfully honing his business building capabilities and interpersonal relationships starting at the age of nine. He has grown, and continues to evolve, using the ideals of The Power of Peace of Mind ™. Embark on a journey that will introduce you to simple, yet unique techniques that get to the core of negative emotions that create self-sabotaging and other disempowering patterns. Contact Dr. Bruce Hofmann: Website:  Email: