Project Tenacity

#23 房產策略行銷 | Tracy Hsu | 「你得先學會把你自己賣出去。」



Tracy 目前在 H&W Developments 擔任策略行銷總監。從擔任 UTSC 台灣學生會的會長開始,總是積極的接下額外的任務和工作。但這些經驗卻也為他開啟了轉職以及快速升遷的職業生涯。這次的訪談聊到了 Tracy 從學生會長到職場的心路歷程、宗教信仰、行銷策略、和時間安排的技巧。這一期的意義非凡,除了內容非常非常的精彩,也被特意安排成為 Project Tenacity 第一季的最後一集。希望聽眾們會喜歡。   「很多時候你會覺得給予和付出很吃虧,但其實你收穫得更多。」  We invited Tracy, who is working at H&W Developments, to share her journey as a Marketing Coordinator. In this episode, our topics ran from her journey from the President of UTSC Rocsaut, her faith, marketing strategy, and time management tactics. This is a huge episode for all those who are currently university students and those who aspire to move into marketing roles. This episode will be the last episode of the first season. The second season will launch soon.   Building a Brand Story: FOLCC 生命泉靈糧教會: 好毛 Production: