Real Talk With Tanya White

How Loosing 142 Pounds Caused My Husband To End Our Marriage



How can getting healthier and dropping 142 pounds cause your husband to leave you? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Join Oprah guest alum, author/motivational speaker Alicia Ash as she shares her riveting story of how dropping her excess weight cost her her marriage. "I Dropped 142lbs in a Year and Lost 220lbs in a Day” is a very inspirational story of faith, perseverance & determination. She was 4'11' and weighed 272lbs which is extremely too much for someone of her stature. She ended up having 3 Strokes in 1 year and her Doctor told her that she needed to either lose the weight or risk having a heart attack. This news scared her into getting her act together, and she drastically changed her diet and began to incorporate exercising in her daily lifestyle. This lead to her naturally losing 142lbs in a years time. The 220lbs represents the weight of her ex-husband, who ironically left her after she lost all of the weight. He said he was proud of her for losing the weight, but he was no