Across The Arts With Patrick D. Mccoy

When Art is Green: Confronting Jealousy and Envy in the Art



The is a not to be missed show confronting the monsters of jealousy and envy in the arts.  On one breath, a person can be praised and revered for the beauty they create, then slandered all on the same breath.  Joining the show to unpack the pain of the green monster called envy is Baltimore based violist Robin Faye Massie-Pighee and St. Louis based emerging modern composer and musician Anthony Stewart. Stewart is the Digital Composer and Publisher of "Vizual Music: Where Classical and Jazz Meet" .  He produces and distributes classical and jazz compositions in hopes of inspiring more African American youth to embrace an art form that originated in Africa.   Massie-Pighee is a professional violist in the Baltimore/D.C. area. She has performed with The Philadelphia Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra, and the Washington National Opera Orchestra among other ensembles. She performs as Assistant Principal Viola with the Delaware Symphony Orchestra and Co-Principal Viola with the Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra