Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

GCS - Green House Incubator - Consensus Energy



Steve O'Neil, MSc, has twenty years of professional experience with environmental-related organizations including executive management, adviser, corporate governance, and founding entrepreneur. Steve founded Applied Energy Conservation Systems in 2007, which has since become Consensus Energy, a commercial and industrial energy-savings consulting firm based in Atlanta.   Mr. O'Neil has served as Executive Director of the Chattanooga Nature Center, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Executive Director of SouthWings based in Asheville, NC, and SE Regional Director of Center for the Restoration of Waters @ Ocean Arks International.  Mr. O'Neil has also held Board positions with the Chattanooga Nature Center, the City of Chattanooga’s Climate Action Plan Executive Committee, the Tennessee Advanced Energy Business Council,  and the Dogwood Alliance in North Carolina (past Chair). Steve holds a BA from Sarah Lawrence College and a Masters in Environmental Science from University of Dublin, Trinity College, in Dublin.