Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

GCS - Green House Incubator - PhytoSynthetix



Erico Mattos has just graduated as a Ph.D in Crop and Soil Sciences from the University of Georgia in August 2013. In 2012 Erico graduated from the Graduate Studies Program at Singularity University located at NASA Ames Research Center and is now working on several entrepreneurial projects related to new techniques in food production. Erico is an Agricultural Engineer by training and got his degree at University of Sao Paulo in 2008. As an advocate of urban agriculture systems, Mattos sees the intelligent use of exponential technologies as a solution to meet the increasing demand for healthy food based on sustainable, integrated production systems. Erico is also a co founder of PhytoSynthetix, a high-tech horticultural lighting company that combines plant physiology with bioengineering to built the first intelligent illumination system in the world. PhytoSynthetix developed a proprietary biological feedback system that allows the lights to communicate with the plants and maximize energy use efficiency thus in