Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

Southeast Region Technical Report to the National Climate Assessment



Dr. Chip Konrad is the Director of NOAA’s Southeast Regional Climate Center (SERCC), which provides operational climate service programs and expertise in climate science for the southeastern United States.  He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  Konrad explores the spatial and temporal patterns of atmospheric processes/patterns and the multiple linkages of these processes/patterns to surface weather and climate variability. He has over 20 years experience monitoring and studying extreme weather and climate events in the Southeast U.S. Konrad serves as a co-principal investigator of the Carolinas Integrated Sciences and Assessments, an interdisciplinary research team that bridges climate science and decision-making.  He was the lead author on the climate chapter of the Southeast Region Technical Report to the National Climate Assessment.  He has published articles in a wide range of geography and atmospheric science journals on topics t