Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

Are you Farm Star Living?



Created and founded by Mary Blackmon, Farm Star Living is the first of its kind – a new lifestyle brand celebrating both the lives of real farmers and the farming lifestyle in general so that people everywhere can better understand, appreciate and support farmers and the world of farming.   Mary is a 3rd generation farmer from Arkansas, who left her hometown to pursue college and a career in advertising sales and marketing in Los Angeles, Atlanta and New York City. She worked for publishing houses and internet companies (Wired, Walt Disney Internet Group). In NYC in 2002, she founded, the first national discount site for the spa & wellness industry. She grew it into a multi-million dollar business and a leader in the industry, and attracted hundreds of thousands of women as well as sponsors.   In 2008, however, she learned most of her family farm bordering Ark / LA would be sold. Not wanting to lose the family heritage and farmland her family before her had so cherished, Mary, along with