Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

What is GMO free seed?



Join Southeast Green as we speak with Carol Koury, President of Sow True Seed. Carol is a life-long gardener, having spent her childhood summers in the 1940s and 50s in New Hampshire helping her grandma and family grow and preserve all the food she and her family ate.  She had careers in wildlife conservation and the women's health movement, before coming back to her gardening roots.  In 2009 she founded Sow True Seed, an open-pollinated seed company based in Asheville, NC.  Sow True sells 500 varieties of open-pollinated vegetable, herb and flower seed in the Southeast and throughout North America.  Carol’s passion is for helping people understand where their food comes from so they can be informed consumers.   In 2011 STS joined a consortium of family farmers, small seed companies and advocacy groups to challenge Monsanto's patents on genetically engineered seed and seeking relief for farmers who were being sued when their crops were unintentionally contaminated by upwind GE pollen.  We lost at the Federa