Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

The Promise of Water Security



Recently, Terry Hazen was announced as the new head at the Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Hazen brings an impressive set of environmentally related credentials with him to the new position. In addition to being the UT-Oak Ridge National Laboratory Governor’s Chair for Environmental Biotechnology, Hazen works with the Center for Environmental Biotechnology; directed investigation and recovery efforts surrounding the Deepwater Horizon oil spill; and was a senior scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the Microbial Communities Division, the Center for Environmental Biotechnology, and the Ecology Department. Hazen also holds appointments in three UT departments—Civil and Environmental Engineering, Microbiology, and Earth and Planetary Sciences. He is a faculty fellow at ORNL and works with both the Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education and the UT-ORNL Graduate School of Genome Science and Technology.