Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

The Sun Shines in Florida, so Why so Little Solar?



Today we will talk to reknowned Southern energy expert Stephen A. Smith, DVM who is the Executive Director of Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE). Dr. Stephen A. Smith has 30 years of experience effecting change for the environment and has been leading SACE since 1993. SACE is a not-for-profit working to promote responsible energy choices that create global warming solutions and ensure clean, safe and healthy communities throughout the Southeast. SACE has grown to be a premier voice for energy efficiency and renewable energy issues in the region. Dr. Smith currently serves on the U. S. Climate Action Network board of directors and previously served as board chair. He also serves on the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Regional Energy Resource Council, which advises the TVA Board of Directors on energy resource activities in the Tennessee Valley region. In the last several years he has served on the North Carolina Legislative Commission on Global Climate Change and the North Carolina Climate Action Planning