Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

Telling the Stories of Solar



Too often, solar power gets caught up in detailed policy debates and it can be easy to lose sight of the real people who could benefit from more solar in our region: families, farmers, businesses, schools, faith congregations, non-profit organizations, and communities. SELC released a new video campaign to bring those voices to the forefront of the debate: Stories of Solar features Southerners who have gone solar and aren’t looking back. With stories ranging from a former coal miner turned solar installer in Alabama to a family farmer in North Carolina, from a pastor in Georgia to students in Virginia, the stories show that everyone has their own reasons for going solar. Stories of Solar provides a chance to hear directly from Southerners who are benefiting from solar power, often in the face of significant policy barriers. Stories of Solar tells the personal stories of how solar stimulates job growth, decreases energy costs, and increases energy independence, all while benefiting our environment, communiti