Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

It starts with a Small Good Thing



Pamela Tanner Boll, an artist, filmmaker, writer, and activist, is the Director of Who Does She Think She Is? a film about five artists who are mothers. She is the Co-Executive Producer of Academy Award-winning Born into Brothels, and the Executive Producer of eight documentaries. Most recently, she completed A Small Good Thing, a feature-length documentary that follows six people who focus on alternative concepts of happiness and success. From a social work student Tim Durrin to yoga teacher Mark Gerow to the Salinetti family and their farm, these “everyday people” find personal satisfaction via their link to nature, chosen professions, and interconnectedness with others, foregoing conventional definitions. A Small Good Thing also explores how it’s important to live in a more meaningful way not just here in one community in the US — traveling to Rwanda, audiences see how an organization working to provide lasting agricultural solutions to chronic childhood malnutrition in the developing world has created