Life's New Normal Podcast With Host Long Jump Silver Medalist John Register

Undefeated: Beating the odds. New normal insights from Coach Bill Courtney



Bill Courtney has many amazing qualities, but it is his unique ability to draw out the best in every person he comes in contact with that makes him special.  Yes, he is the CEO of Classic American Hardwoods, a lumber company headquarter in Memphis, Tennessee, and yes, he was the subject of the Academy Award-winning documentary, “Undefeated”, which chronicles his career as a high school football coach in the economically pressured area of Shelby County, Tennessee. But this psychology graduate from Old Miss University has a profound impact on the lives that enter his circle. He has the uncanny ability to draw out the best from others. You are not going to want to miss this interview as we discuss leadership philosophies and give practical applications on how we can create our new normal. Follow Bill on twitter: @Iamcoachbill About Host John Register (@JFRegister) Certfied Speaking Professional (CSP) Paralympic Silver Medalist | International Speaker | Author | American Long Jump Record Holder | Gulf War V