Life's New Normal Podcast With Host Long Jump Silver Medalist John Register

"How Story Tamed a Yankee Cowboy" | The Inspirational Journey of Dave Lieber



Dave Lieber, Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) is unique. He is an amazing writer and journalist. He is the watchdog for consumer rights issues at the Dallas Morning News. He’s co-founder of Summer Santa, one of North Texas’ largest children’s charities. He also is an amazing long jumper. Well, now, he like meek is a short jumper. He has lived 100 lives since moving to Dallas, TX from the East Coast.  He tried to make an impression on his new neighbors and failed miserably. In Texas, to establish relationships, there are at least two questions asked of everyone who passes by. Dave was asked:  Texan: "Son, you ain't from around here are you? Where you from?"   Dave replied, "No Sir, East Coast." Texan: "Yea, a Yankee huh? Well, what church do you attend?" Dave: "Uhm, I'm Jewish, I don't attend church." Two strikes. But he turned it around in the 9th inning of the ball game and hit a grand slam to get back on top. How did he overcome the odds? Well, he shares that and more in this edition