Your Preparation Station

Your Preparation Station: Survival Medicine, Doom & Bloom, Prepper Fun & Games



Brought to you by PREPARE MAGAZINE - Pick up your FREE Digital Subscription HERE  Donna catches up with another great guest in this episode.  Dr. Joe Alton and his lovely wife, Nurse Amy have been great supporters of PREPARE Magazine and have articles regularly printed in the print issues.  In this episode, Amy is unable to join us due to other responsibilities with their ever growing service to the preparedness industry, but Dr. Bones (Joe) and Donna catch up on all that the Dynamic Doom & Bloom Duo have going on! Joe Alton, M.D. (aka: Dr. Bones) is a member of Mensa, collects 19th century medical books to gain insight on off-grid medical strategies. He is the co-author, along with Amy Alton, A.R.N.P. (aka Nurse Amy), of the #1 Amazon Bestseller in Survival Skills “theSurvival Medicine Handbook".  The opinions voiced by Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy are for post-apocalyptic settings only; in normal times, seek modern and standard medical care from qualified professionals. More abo