Indy Mayhem Show: Pro Wrestling Interviews

Indy Mayhem Show 73: Cedric Alexander & Sugar Dunkerton



This week on the Indy Mayhem Show, IWC wrestlers Cedric Alexander and Sugar Dunkerton joined the show! Alexander talked about: -His first memory of pro wrestling, featuring some WCW cruiserweights. -How cruiserweights shaped his wrestling style. -When he decided to become a pro wrestler. -His time with ROH. -Pro wrestlers he enjoys working with. -The surprising news of ROH joining Destination America. -The competition now between ROH and TNA Impact. -The IWC card and who sticks out to him in the card. -How he plans to stick out in the tournament. -What wrestling he is watching. -The best and worst things of indy wrestling. Dunkerton talked about: -The 3 types of wrestling fans. -How he got into pro wrestling. -Disco Inferno helping him with a gimmick. -All the nicknames he has had. -His never give up attitude. -His opponent at IWC Super Indy, Cedric Alexander. -What he has been watching in wrestling and just in general. -The best and worst things in independent wrestling.