Personal Arrogants

Episode 145: The Christopher Walken Channel “Watch”



Episode 145 is here; bringing you lots of listener phone calls, sleep talk, and our buddy (and Rocky Mountain correspondent) Levi running a marathon while listening to us. This week: • Listener Feedback (8:50) • A Nightmare of Kitchen Proportions (22:37) • Companies and Kickstarter (37:29) • Alphabet Break (48:43) • Ant Talk (53:30) • Our Podcast Reality Competition Idea (59:47) • Facebook Roundup 1:09:08 • Recommendations (1:18:27) Listen up! And feed us back (we’ll put it on the cast) Send us an email Tweet our twitter Face our Book Or give us a call and leave us a voicemail at 360-362-0024 (and we’ll play it on the cast) Thanks for listening!