Uindy's Potluck Podcast

UIndy's Potluck Podcast_Episode 03_Christine Stewart-Nuñez



In this episode of the Potluck Podcast, where UIndy hosts conversations about the arts, UIndy students Creative Writing Major Tayah Eakle, Finance and Professional Writing Major Kara Wagoner, and Professional Writing Major Sara Perkins interview the 2018 Whirling Prize winning poet. Etchings Press, a student-run publisher at University of Indianapolis, awards The Whirling Prize each fall to two books that demonstrate an excellent and compelling response to a theme selected by students. The 2018 theme was disability, and the student judges talk with Christine Stewart-Nuñez about her winning collection, Bluewords Greening.  Christine Stewart-Nuñez, a Professor of English at South Dakota State University, writes at the intersection of experience and research. She’s the author of four poetry books: Untrussed (University of New Mexico Press 2016), Bluewords Greening (Terrapin Books 2016), Keeping Them Alive (WordTech 2010), and Postcard on Parchment (ABZ Press 2008). Her work has appeared in Arts & Lette