We Get To Know

Courtney Parchman: Average Fashion Blogger and Comedian



We Get to Know comedian Courtney Parchman of Average Fashion Blogger. Courtney has carved out a special niche in the fashion blogging world, humor! We fell in love with her by watching her funny instagram videos all the while staying in character as a fashionista. She is not our typical fashion guest, but we think you'll love her all the same. She shares whats next for her life as her college experience comes to an end. Courtney is a 22 year old graduate of Oklahoma State University. She’s NOT your Average Fashion Blogger. She is a influencer but with a comedic twist. Her hilarious Instagram videos have become a social media phenomenon and will have you in tears cracking up and gasping for air! Some examples include her review of Oklahoma organic dirt swatches in honor of Kylie Jenner having a baby and her full week of outfit ideas including her crocs and Salvation Army sweatshirt. If you are in need of a good laugh (and who isn’t), you’ll want to check out Courtney’s Instagram account to unwind and be enter