We Get To Know

Ashley Petrone: Arrows and Bow - Style, Creative, RV Life



We Get to Know creative Ashley Petrone from Arrows and Bow. We were thrilled to talk with Ashley, the writer and creative behind the design/lifestyle blog ArrowsandBow.com.  In April 2017, Ashley and her husband decided to sell their 5 bedroom home and buy 2.2 acres of land with plans to build their dream home.  They had the adventurous idea of moving their family of 5 into an RV on the land while they built.  With her creative ideas in full swing, they quickly renovated the trailer and moved in.  For seventeen months, she documented the journey of homeschooling her children and living in 180 square feet.  During this time, not only did Ashley grow her online community to over 145k but she and her family discovered the true joys of life while living with less.  In this interview, Ashley tells the story of her and her family's journey through renovation, living tiny, simplifying, and "finding joy in the in-between".  We were inspired and uplifted by her story, you will be too, listen in.  Visit weget