Absolute Irony

Brendan Smith - Part One



Brendan Smith - Part One Brendan Smith is a legendary underground guitar player and songwriter from Sonoma County Calif. Now, "legendary underground" is oxymoronic if not ironic, it means he is really good and not that many people know about him. I’ve known about him for 40 years, and he is my favorite songwriter. He also plays ripping electric guitar in the band Uncle Wiggly, along with John Heide, Tom Padrick, Jeff Forehan and me. In the 70’s he made a cassette of 8 of his songs and then for years tried to do a pro recording but could never finish. Finally he came to me and said please produce me, so we made a great CD called "Rough Mixes". We called it that so he didn’t have to feel like it was done. It is really really good, and you can buy it on iTunes and CDBaby.