Woman Untamed

002 - WILD MIND: Your Subconscious Brain and Reprogramming



In this episode I go deep into one of the main pillars of "Rewilding" your mind, and that is undoing much of what we learn to be true about ourselves and the world during our earliest years.   The fundamental "truths" run our lives about 95% of the time if we don't work diligently to reformat them to be in alignment with the truth of our desires.    Most people, even if we've done some work on ourselves, and even if we meditate consistently, still have a large amount of re-programming to do to really fully express and authentically feel and experience life.    Many people operate with narratives around unworthiness, low self esteem, low self confidence, and an inability to trust in life or themselves. They are sneaky, and they operate in layers. But, we can change them! The brain is malleable.   This episode is a run-through of some key ways to start shifting all of that to feel greater happiness, peace, joy, and a sense of fulfillment in life.    May it serve you!   -- 4 Key Ways and Practices to Start Rapid