Shalisa Marie

Shalisa Marie Radio BONUS: Storm.Toronto Edition - A Reminder To MYself.



These past two weeks have been extremely challenging for me. I have gone back and forth with myself trying to figure out what exactly my role on this earth is and if i'm truly living in my truth and purpose. I have undervalued the amount of hard work i have put into this platform and other projects I'm involved in, because I haven't received the outcome i have been desiring as of yet. Being an entrepreneur is very hard and very challenging and can easily result into a mental health issue. So in these times, it is always AMAZING and HELPFUL to have friends like Storm who can remind me how much substance i hold and how my voice and platform can seriously change the game. It's important to have people in your life who can hold you up when you're feeling down, because I honestly don't know how else I  would stay sane. This is a just a reminder to all of you, to keep going even when the road gets rough and the water gets deep, stay afloat, breathe in moderation, and some day you will reap all that you deserve