Patrick Forge's Podcast

Cosmic Jam Brasil Special 22.06.14



Summer's hotting up, Wimbledon, The World Cup, festivals galore, it's the season for love, fun and music. So, despite my reservations concerning the political and social ramifications of The World Cup in Brazil, and despite the (inevitable) demise of Hodgson's England it would seem somewhat churlish if not downright rude to forsake the opportunity of celebrating a branch of the world's music tree that I've grown particularly fond of over the years. Though I have to say I'm more of an enthusiast than an export and this is a personal selection that barely scratches the surface of Brazil's rich and diverse music culture. Furthermore my focus is by and large on vintage music, the inspirational sound of Brazil in the classic era of MPB that continues to inspire a new generation of music makers who are now in the vanguard of the renaissance of those great traditions. The first section is samba in slightly purer form without getting down into the deep folkloric nitty gritty, (which I could have done!!), there are