Patrick Forge's Podcast

Cosmic Jam (Medicinal Mushrooms!) 15.02.15



It's probably just as well that when I received the audio file of this week's show the bit at the beginning about having a cup of medicinal mushrooms to drink (chaga), was missing. Of course this was a source of much hilarity to Ross Allen, and nuff jokes abounded in the studio about Cosmic Jam/mushrooms/magic/hippies, which begs the question, am I? A hippy, that is... well I do drink medicinal mushrooms, am more or less vegan, love a bit of yoga/chi gong/meditation, however I don't wear tie-dye, smoke weed, or say "cosmic" much except in the context of the show. Hippies, if such a concept or subcultural group makes any sense in this day and age doubtless do come in many guises, and who's to say what kind of music they should like? In my experience a lot of those who ostensibly advocate the modern version of the "hippy" credo have pretty awful taste in music...psi-trance? Dodgy ambience with clichéd beats? It may be "cosmic", but it also lacks the soul and expansiveness that I search for in life and music. S