Intoxica Radio W/howie Pyro

INTOXICA RADIO March 27, 2018 Dumped off Facebook for a week!!!



Well it seems that not only was I pulled from FB but my Instagram (owned by FB) post from this day was also pulled!! WTF? Anyway...Here's the March 27th show! That SAID: TONITE!!! Intoxica Radio live! The full on Rock N Roll Free-kout, fork-in (WAR), fuck-up!!!! Loads of stuff never heard before!!! grab your Intoxidrool cup©, plug in your iTard©, strap yourself in the spinning (and sometimes talking) chair, and join me tonite ALIVE!!! At 9PM Karloffornia time at and help me make two hours disappear like it was five minutes sorta like a DMT trip at 45 RPM!!! Art by Paul Kaiju! #intoxicaradio #howiepyro #paulkaiju #rocknroll #radio #45rpm #rhythmandblues #soul #rockabilly #surf #garagerock #luxuriamusic