Intoxica Radio W/howie Pyro

INTOXICA RADIO December 11, 2018



I'm live! Tonite at 9pm Karloffornia time INTOXICA Radio is ON THEE AIR! Get the real deal! A musical meal! 2 hours to heal & give you the good feel! Great deal, in fact a steal! With yours truly on the wheels of steel! Mega piles of new stuff to slap upside your head! So plug in your iTard®, strap on your IntoxiDrool® cup, fall into your spinning (and sometimes talking) chair® & join me, Howie Pyro® on intoxica Radio® at 9pm on #intoxicaradio #howiepyro #records #rocknroll #dj #dance #rhythmandblues #rockabilly #soul #weird art by #karlkaos