Becky Talks Parks: Parks & Recreation Podcast For Passionate Professionals

Welcome to the Becky Talks Parks Podcast!



Hello everybody and welcome to the Becky Talks Parks Podcast.  It's so exciting to see this project come to life. For too long, I have thought... where is the conversation for parks and recreation professionals? The current mediums for communication leave much to be desired. I want to share authentic conversations with professionals in our field, diving into both the highlights and the struggles of working as a park and rec pro.  Truly, this conversation is for my younger self. The one who sat in college, wondering what she was going to do with her life. Who cared deeply about being outdoors. Who loved working with other people and understanding their point of view.  She just didn't know what she wanted to do as a career. And then, when she found out that parks and recreation was actually a major - and a career that improved the community - she lit up!  She knew it was right for her. This is her outlet to share the awesome field of parks and recreation with the world, by interviewing other