Maekan It Up

MAEKAN It Up — #082: NOAH on consumer power and Reddit accepting Tencent funding



Charis and Eugene talk about consumer power and the responsibility that comes with spending money on anything. They also discuss the potential funding Reddit might be accepting from Chinese tech giant Tencent and how that could shape the Internet in the States, in China, and globally. This episode attempts to unpack what it means to follow the origins and effect of each dollar. 00:11:55 Consumer power 00:41:53 Chinese investment money Links: What is MAEKAN? MAEKAN is a membership-based publication and community focused on the  sights and sounds of creative culture. We're about learning,  participating, and connecting with a global community on a deeper level  that social media just doesn't provide. We’re defining the future of  creative culture. We don't have all the answers, but our curiosity ensures we never stop looking. Sign-Up Today If you've enjoyed thi