Extroverted Developer

Extroverted Developer #12 - Jonathan Baker



This week Ben and I talk with Director of Mobility Evangelism at SAP, located in our nations capitol, about mobile database technologies and software engineering.Show NotesSybase acquisition by SAP.Mobile databases and small footprint databases.SAP making a play on Oracle.Do you still get to code?Building mobile application development is just beginning for many enterprises.What are the main challenges for dealing with enterprise and mobile?How does the iPhone play with enterprise customers?Microsoft tried multiple times to bring out bring out a tablet but can’t seem to get it workingThe future of mobile operating systems on full PCs and Laptops.Ben: The merge of mobile and desktop computing has been a great boon to UI design.UI design takes as much time as designing your system, algorithms and data structures.Developers vs DBAs.There’s no more debugging in ‘prod’ on mobile devices.The internet isn’t always on as much as we’d like it to be, and as such we need to store data locally for when there’s no connect