Lets Steal A Podcast

46. The Ten Lil' Grifters Job with Jordan and Emily



We’re watching the Ten Lil’ Grifters Job, joined by Emily and Jordan, we’re talking about Murder Mysteries, Secret Passages, and Nate in the Library with the Wrench.We Also Discuss how Gregatron has fallen, Emilyscream will now lead the Decepticons, the Indie videogame Final Fantasy XIV, trance/trans music, you need oxygen to live, Jordan’s (a different one) cover of Transgender Dysphoria Blues, Earth Australia, hey kinda weird how the cat in Disney’s Cinderella is named Lucifer, Robin says “Fuck Batman”, this show is darker than Batman, Fabby-Ann’s Tile Matchmaking game, the strawmanning of the Union boss by the coward John Rogers, Beck’s Daughter is acting at a twelve, Murder Mystery Home-onculus, ‘Lite Treason’, ur a blizzard Harry, Pirates of the Post-Depp universe, a sneeze lead to restarting the call, Emily says “Fuck Batman”, Fabby-Ann’s Handcuffs story, bacon wrapped things, we might have made a “Bonano Phone” joke before, the show’s two (2) references, capitalism kills our dream of secret passages, S