Global Press Passport

"The Journalist and the Woman Journalist"



Why train and employ only women journalists? This is a question that Global Press gets asked quite a lot. Inspired by this question, the eighth episode of the Global Press Passport podcast explores diversity in news and media, and specifically gender disparity in the field of journalism. This month, guests include Suzanne Franks, Professor and head of Journalism at City University of London, and author of “Women and Journalism”. Bob Papper, an Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Journalism at Hofstra University and director of the annual diversity survey for the Radio Television Digital News Association on the state and local radio and TV news. Adam Maksl, assistant professor of journalism and media at Indiana University Southeast and researcher for the American Society of News Editors where he works on the annual newsroom diversity survey. From the Global Press team we are joined by Founder and Executive Director, Cristi Hegranes, Africa Regional Program Manager and reporter, Noella Nyirabihogo, Senior Repor