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Episode 5 – The Curse of Superman & A Bloody Mystery



It's been over 18 months since the last episode of this podcast was released, so thank you so much for your patience while other things were allowed to take precedence. In this episode, Tom is joined once more by Steven from A History of Misunderstanding Podcast. Steven is here to discuss the curse of Superman, a theory that various actors who have played the titular superhero and various co-stars have died after being involved with the character. We come to the conclusion that far more people survived and some have continued to be successful than have died, and even the most tragic deaths seem to be from outside influence like ill-health or drugs. Let us know your thoughts on this and any similar film franchises that are synonymous with curses. In the quick S.H.I.T.s section, Tom debunks the playground myth that if you swallow chewing gum it stays in your stomach for seven years. It just simply isn't true. Steven brings the story of a stolen Oscar statue by an unknown man, collecting it on behalf of actress,