Shawna K

EP 2 – How to Always Win the Fat Loss Game



Want to make some healthy changes? We typically wait until new years or Monday or the start of a month to set a goal. We can set a goal at any time, let’s not wait another day. In this podcast, I discuss: 2 reasons why your diet and exercise efforts have failed in the past. 3 tips to successful goal setting 2 tips to evaluate if you really hit the mark Ideas for how to get the MOST fat loss results from the LEAST amount of time and effort. One Reason You May Have Failed in the Past… You may not be in touch with your reason WHY… It may take a bit of time to get to the bottom of your real reason by the way, it’s not always just to ‘look better’. Any reason is valid, you just need to find yours. With any weight loss effort, the going will get tough. When you’re in touch with the reason you want to improve your health, it’s easier to stick to you plan. The second reason you may have failed at fat loss in the past is that you may have tried to change too much too soon. It’s important to set yourself up for succe