Dramatic Listening... The Podcast Where You Learn English By Listening To Radio Plays

DL105: Richard Diamond – It’s all arranged



Richard Diamond, Private Detective — The Louis Spence Case (Part 5 of 7) Otis is nervous that he'll louse it all up.[Photo © Dean Drobot/www.Bigstock.com] Summary of Part 5 Richard Diamond gets back to the fifth precinct with phonograph and album in hand. He puts Otis in charge of the music while he himself returns to the room with Spence and Walt Levinson. Thoughts of Becoming a Maryr Spence is getting excited. Time is almost up and the mayor hasn't jumped, but he will still be able to make his statement to the world by blowing himself and Lieutenant Levinson up... and maybe Diamond and Otis, too. He'll be a martyr and people will finally recognize his great genius. This is what is getting him excited. Diamond is worried that he might 'jump the gun'. (Like a runner in a race, he might start before the starting gun goes off.) He certainly has 'an itchy trigger finger'! He really wants to use the trigger to make the bomb go off. The Challenge Diamond has to make sure Spence doesn't blow up the fifth precinct a