Miss Style, Strength And Grace With Deidra Murphy

66: It Is NOT My Fault... But It is...



Have you ever set a goal, and then failed to reach it? Rather than looking internally for where you fell short, have you then started to place the blame on others, telling yourself it isn't your fault that "x,y, or z" didn't come to fruition?   Okay, we would all be lying if we denied the above.   We have all had an instance where it was much easier to blame others for our own failures. In today's episode, Deidrafound herself blaming others for her own failures. Although it felt easier at the time to blame, it didn't help Deidra grow, course correct, or LEARN from the opportunity.    Find out what she failed at, as well as how she's learning to accept responsibility for her own situations and create opportunities for growth in her life.    How can you take the feedback from your situation and use it as a tool to learn, grow, and understand others?    Links: Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis https://amzn.to/2nbkDvc   The Success Principles, by Jack Canfield: http://www.thesuccessprinciples.com   Marco Pol